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Joinmax attended the Symposium & Technology Transfer Meeting of Lancaster-China Enterprise Incubator Project

Publisher:admin Published:2014-9-29 9:04:28

Guangdong Science and Technology Exchange Center held this meeting inGuangdong Hotel on September 10, 2014. Jason Chen, General Managerof Joinmax Display Technology Co.,ltd and Li Jun, Deputy Director of SunYat-sen University & Guzhen Semiconductor Lighting Technology ResearchCenter attended this meeting together.?


First of all, Deputy Director of Guangdong Provincial Department of Scienceand Technology made a speech for the opening ceremony.? Guangdong Provincial Department of Scienceand Technology and Lancaster University signed Cooperation and Understanding Memorandum,hoping to promote Sino-British cooperation in industrial innovation, sciencepark transferring, support enterprises for both countries, especially mediumand small enterprises’ technical progress based on this Incubator Project. Theyhope that more Guangdong enterprises can participate in this project.


In this meeting, more than 50 enterprises’ representatives from British andChina, including Joinmax Technology made the one to one and face to facetechnical discussions. The on-site atmosphere is warm and lively.


After this meeting, British enterprises’ representatives visited JoinmaxDisplay Technology Co.,ltd on September 13, listening the introduction ofcompany general information, business modes, development plan, etc. We had afurther technical discussion on the same interesting points, hoping to havemore cooperation in the future and get mutual progress.


After this meeting, British enterprises’ representatives visited JoinmaxDisplay Technology Co.,ltd on September 13, listening the introduction ofcompany general information, business modes, development plan, etc. We had afurther technical discussion on the same interesting points, hoping to have morecooperation in the future and get mutual progress.?

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